
Monday, September 25, 2017

Gunnison 4


Shout out to Anders Harvey for getting the marching band to take a picture with me.  The band might all think I am crazy, but they all know who the Sister Missionaries are now so that is great. I accidentally forgot my camera so you will all get the picture next week. 
Shay is doing great. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and she loved it.  She has been praying and says that she is starting to know that it's true which is weird [to her] because she has met with the missionaries before but for some reason this time it is different.  She still has not made it to church but wants to.  She says it is strange that Donny will text her or have a conversation with her about what we are going to teach her next before it happens.  I don't think that I have ever prayed that "Donny Osmond could continue to be a great example and keep being a great missionary" before so that is fun.
We had an interesting experience with Able this week.  We had some great lessons and he felt the Spirit.  He said that he could feel it and knows what he needs and wants to do.  On Friday we went back and his entire attitude had changed, the Spirit was definitely no longer there, and that was weird. 
Also Mark Seelbinder blessed that sacrament for the first time yesterday.  He got baptized in April I believe.  He got up and shared his testimony on how much joy the gospel had brought him. This Sunday marked a year since he had come to church for the first time. 
Zone Conference was this week. As always, it was fantastic.  President Gifford gave a training on Mission Rules. He talked about how so many people always ask why missionaries have so many rules.  We talked about why the church has rules. He mentioned that as we stay in the church and learn and grow then the more responsibilities we have. The guidelines we have now are helping prepare us for guidelines in the future. There are so many church handbooks of things to do.  We read scriptures on why it was important that there were rules and expectations.  It was a very interesting training. 
Also Women's session of General Conference was amazing.  Everyone should go watch it if you have not.  
I hope you all have a great week. 

[link to Plan of Salvation is to a video this time since I think I've shared the link to the lesson a couple times already]

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